People of the OCQ

People of the OCQ: Amy
Cory Landels Cory Landels

People of the OCQ: Amy

When Amy and her partner, Adrian packed up their life in Winnipeg to venture out to Vancouver Island, they wanted to create a business in Nanaimo that fostered community and connection.  “We thought, ‘what could be our best offering for people?’” says Amy Ferris. We wanted to create this space for ourselves, to leave a legacy and to provide something to our community that wasn't there before.”

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People of the OCQ: Christine
Cory Landels Cory Landels

People of the OCQ: Christine

When you walk into the space #106 – 301 Franklyn Street, you’re illuminated in bright colours that both soothe the soul and spark playfulness. It’s not a colour scheme you’d find in most counsellor’s offices, but for Christine, she says the colours are intentionally lively to mirror her work.

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People of the OCQ: Dee
Cory Landels Cory Landels

People of the OCQ: Dee

A lovely woman carrying a few shopping bags out of Damsels, goes up to the store owner Dee to give her a warm embrace. “I have been coming to your store since you first opened and I was a young teacher, excited to have some extra funds to spend on some nice clothes,” she reminisces with Dee. That was fifty years ago.

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People of the OCQ: Balraj
Cory Landels Cory Landels

People of the OCQ: Balraj

Originally from Singapore, Balraj relocated to Nanaimo for his wife to attend the teaching program at VIU. Balraj continued to work in tourism and real estate consulting for clients in Hawaii. When they were ready to buy a home here, they were instantly turned away by the bank.

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